在傳統概念住宅體驗新的隱私和服務標準。 擁有 2,888 平方米 我們為住宅準備了精心策劃的特色、 世界一流的設施、自己的員工(私人廚師和管家)、健康和保健設施、遊戲室等。 公寓為每個人提供充足的空間和活動選擇。
五間臥室均配有超大床墊或按摩浴缸,讓您休息放鬆。 聚集孩子們到“遊樂場(兒童俱樂部)”, 那裡配備了完整的駕駛艙賽車模擬器和最新型號的 Playstation 遊戲機。 對於成人來說, 這裡設有“比賽室”,那裡設有世界一流的錦標賽式撞球桌和足球桌。 晚上, 大家可以在配備齊全的燒烤設備和露營區的露臺上進行燒烤。 您可以享受的其他設施包括高爾夫球愛好者的果嶺、卡拉 OK 室和屋頂無邊際泳池。

Experience Exclusive Services with
The Legacy Conceptual Residence
Experience luxury and exclusive services like no other at The Legacy Conceptual Residence, a premium accommodation designed to provide a remarkable experience for every guest. You will enjoy personalized services, from your private butler available around the clock, to indulging in exceptional amenities such as a private spa, wellness club, a stunning infinity pool, and a private putting green.
Here, you will experience more than just a hotel stay. Whether it’s dining in The Legacy Dining Room, which can be transformed into an elegant meeting room, or relaxing in the private karaoke and spa rooms, every detail has been crafted to offer ultimate privacy. In addition, guests can enjoy exclusive benefits such as a special BBQ set, sunset cocktails, or complimentary laundry service throughout their stay.
The meeting room is a key feature that corporate clients and event organizers are likely to find most appealing.
Kid-friendly amenities add a special touch, making the stay more enjoyable for families.
This is a mid-day meal or snack set designed to offer a light but satisfying treat. It typically includes small bites like sandwiches, pastries, or tea, perfect for enjoying in a relaxed afternoon setting.
A BBQ set perfect for gatherings or outdoor meals, featuring grilled meats, vegetables, and possibly side dishes like salads or bread. It’s a complete package for a delicious barbecue experience.
A breakfast set designed to provide a nutritious start to the day, potentially including eggs, toast, fruits, coffee, or juice. It offers a balanced meal to kickstart your morning.
The electric scooter service can be a highlight, attracting guests who want convenient transportation around the hotel or nearby areas.
- 每間臥室均配有超大床墊(8 英尺)
- 蕭邦 (蕭邦) 奢華浴室用品
- 設備齊全的廚房,配有私人廚師
- 私人管家
- 傳統餐廳可改造成可容納 18 人的會議室,並附帶起居室
- 傳統健康俱樂部(健身房、蒸氣浴和桑拿浴室、淋浴間和更衣室、戶外浴室和按摩浴缸)
- 遊樂場(兒童俱樂部)
- 比賽室(世界級錦標賽撞球桌和足球桌)
- 水療室配有三張按摩床
- 卡拉OK室
- 果嶺(可從主臥室直接進入)
- 無邊際泳池(寬度 4.30 x 長度 16.30 x 深度 1.60 公尺)
- 觀景台
- 可停 5 輛車的私人停車場
- 軍官翼樓設有私人入口
- 4 間額外臥室(大床)
- 入住時間:下午 3 點 | 退房時間:中午 12 點
- 早上 06:00 至 00:00 提供私人入住和退房服務,並提供每日管家服務。
- 歡迎茶點
- 每日下午茶套餐
- 免費洗衣服務
- 日落雞尾酒配有經典雞尾酒、紅酒或白酒、伏特加和琴酒。
- 每日水療積分 5,000 泰銖
- 蕭邦奢華浴室用品免費拆箱服務
- 每日免費自助服務
- 迷你吧(包括小吃、酒精飲料、Nespresso 咖啡套裝和精選 TWG 茶)
- 免費視覺和會議設備(根據要求)
- 食品和飲料 15% 折扣(酒精飲料除外)
- 免費 水療護理 15% 折扣
- 高速網路
傳統概念旨在為賓客提供量身訂製的服務和極致體驗。 因此,應至少提前三天預訂。 管家團隊將在客人抵達前與客人聯繫,以便做好準備並確保提供卓越的住宿體驗。